
Au Château Policies and Reporting

The Au Château reviews its corporate policies and procedures on a continual basis. Updates are made to this website upon approval of any new or updated policy or procedure.

Au Château Strategic Plan 2021 – 2026

Securing the Future of Seniors Care in West Nipissing

Executive Summary

Au Château’s commitment, responsiveness and relentless pursuit to improving the quality of life to our residents remain the key pillars of our existence and our mandate.

Strategic Planning is a disciplined process for establishing and confirming the long-term strategic goals for the organization for the future and for defining the roadmap: The Strategic Plan will assist Au Château in making sound choices by focusing on the intersection of one of the aging population’s greatest needs and our organization’s greatest strengths.

The Strategic Plan is our guide to set the organization’s priorities over the next five (5) years, which will bring quality of life for the aging population to a level of excellence and maintain its strong commitment to a bilingual environment.

In order to realize our mission, first and foremost, the Home must maintain its institutional credibility. Only by being credible amongst all affected stakeholders can we gain the trust necessary to carry out our vision, ensure sound fiduciary management duties and focus on all resident’s activities. We need to be seen by governments, both local and provincial, as an effective and responsive custodian of resources and a reliable health care partner. The Community must view our home as a reliable and responsive service provider. Families and residents must see us as provider of exemplary quality of care.

Au Château recognizes the incredible value of its staff, volunteers, and all members of the Home’s community including residents and families. Their commitment has set Au Château apart from other organizations.